All orders are processed between 1-3 business days. Once product are shipped, their is an estimated 3 to 10 business day period before you receive the product. All products are shipped USPS priority mail. All products are shipped out of the Lancaster-Philadelphia area. Estimated time of product arrival will depend on the location the product is being shipped to.
We do not ship on holidays or weekends.
*There can be situations that cause for a delay in the product shipment that are out of our control. We will do our best to have the product arrive to you in a timely fashion.
International Shipping
We do ship to Canada, Australia, and the Untied Kingdom. All orders are processed between 1-3 business days. All Products are shipped USPS Priority International. Once products are shipped, there is an estimated 6-15 business day period before you receive the product. Please note that customs does periodically check items crossing country boundaries. This will increase the time it takes to make it from our facility to you.
Custom Fees & General fees
Depending on which country you are from, your country may or may not charge you a custom fee. This is not a charge from us, this is a charge from your country for importing good across country boarders. If you do not pay the customs fee, the order will be sent back to us, and we will take it as a return. There is a 12% restocking fee for all returned international orders
Questions or concerns please contact us at [email protected]
Anchor Clothing ®